Tech trendsetters last week!

This week is our last week and right now we’re focusing on our final project called “Who Am I” and basically thats us drawing our lives out on a draw erase board. Some of us are done and some are just starting and some are editing. And also we have the Iron Chef Comp. that we are going to be filming that’s between the two middle school cooking classes. While the classes were cooking and preparing for the comp i got to be a floater and get some pictures of them in action. During the comp the judges got to taste their delicious food and got to give them feedback on how amazing it was to have 11 and 12 year olds cook some good looking and good tasting food. Here are some photos i got to take while they were preparing the food.

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Wednesday, we got to get a tour of the BAVC building and got to get a feel of how it is around there and how the community is like and what type of work interns our age do there. It was a pretty cool environment to be there because they were really welcoming and nice! Here’s some photos from the BAVC building.

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The lady that instructs the high school interns was really chill and seem really helpful. All of her kids seemed really comfortable working with her. Today which is Thursday was the screening of the “Who Am I” project and sadly mines didnt get to get shown :(. It was because i didnt upload when i should of and so when i tried to i couldn’t cause the laptop it was on went missing. But anyways, i really enjoyed everyone else’s and was glad to learn about them. Tomorrow is our last day which is movie day and were going to be watching “Dawn of the planet of the apes” although “Purge 2: Anarchy” would of really been the cherry on top to this week.




This week’s blog

Monday, i wasn’t working on any tech related stuff because i had workshop with Myeep. During the workshop we talked a lot about money and basically how we can save it so that we could reach a certain goal we wanted to reach. We got different type of worksheets related to that type of stuff and we got into groups so i talked to other peers i didn’t know and that was pretty fun. I also participated in one of the exercises called Lie Detector and it was funny and something new i learned. I just need to work on my tutorial and the voiceover for my draw my life. On tuesday we got to get more time to work on our projects and so we did and got my draw my life project done. I got to edit it and it came out pretty good. On wednesday we went to Dolby and got to experience a new and improved sound system they’ve created.We seen a few clips that had good sound and we got to explore the Dolby building while learning some Dolby history. I even have pictures i took while being there.


On thursday, we were wrapping up our projects so that we can publish our projects because today is the day that they are all due. I feel like i did really good on my tutorial and I’m really confident about it. Today is Friday and its the screening day where we show our tutorial videos and our PSA commercials. It ended out to be really good. Although some of them were pretty long i enjoyed watching all of them cause i got a good laugh out of all of them. Oh and we won the pizza and ice cream so that was good too.


This week’s blog

On Monday, we worked on our PSA project with our teams and re presented our PSA presentations. We got also time to work on our tutorial projects and went over the basic instructions on how it should be set up. On Tuesday, we got a guess speaker to come in, her name was Jasmine and she was really nice and a cool instructor. She taught us about lighting and different camera angles and she even had us practice a few of the camera shots that she taught us about. She showed us sample videos that had cool shots and let us borrow tripods for our PSA’s. On Wednesday, we started filming our commercials and it went pretty good. My group and I had fun with one another and made good videos. Even though it was fustrating to get one of my group members to listen, it still came out good. Today, we started editing our videos by chopping and cutting some of the film and adding sound effects. We still have to do one more scene for our commercial and then it’ll be all good. Tomorrow, we are going to finish our last scene and add that right into to the commercial. It’s also PJ’s day so we got to come in our pajamas and participate in the assembly with the younger kids. But the best part about tomorrow is that it’s going to be Friday! 😉 YAY!


SF World Tour (this week’s blog)

bridge Church tallest building trees

These are some photos I took on Wednesday at the SF world tours. I learned a lot of things that I never knew, got to visit places I never went, and got to see where some movie scenes had been shot here in downtown San Francisco. It was an amazing experience that I enjoyed. On the field trip we also went to Civic Center and saw a lady getting married which was beautiful. Our tour lady named Marie let us get off the bus to take photos of where some of the films were shot at. We even got to learn a little about some characters that were in the films we learned about.





